The Sam Chase & The Untraditional

The Sam Chase has a voice like a Nun on the lam with a mouthful of cigarettes and curse words in a lonely bar, drunkenly dancing next to a broken jukebox. His songs are scribbled, not written, on lipstick and sweat stained motel bed sheets because he likes the way the ink bleeds. His guitar runs on diesel and leaks like the morning after too much Whiskey. This is a show you’ll probably want to tattoo on your body so everyone will know that you knew him before he was cool.
Hailing from the hills of San Francisco, California, Sam and his band whom he lovingly refers to as The Untraditional, take to stages all over the country with a virulent and frenetic passion which many history buffs might liken to the Norse warriors known as The Berserkers, who were known to have fought their battles with an uncontrollable, trance-like fury. Norse literature notes that they would work themselves into a rage before battle, consuming drugged foods, and dressed in nothing but their enemies blood. The Sam Chase and The Untraditional do maintain that spirit, but leave the drugged foods and enemies blood up to the discretion of the crowd.
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